"In a 2,000-degree inferno, the tower crumples and crashes to the ground at 9:55 am. Minutes later, at 10:29 am, the north tower collapses."

"As the heat from the inferno became intolerable, trapped workers were forced to jump from the towers to escape the flames."

Alisa Schindler, searching for friend Charles. "We go around to different places, but you run out of places to go. So we always end up back here at Bellevue."
It's hard to believe it has already been eight years since the 9/11 tragedy. I remember it still so clearly. It was sunny out. I was working in the cash office at my old job when I heard the news on the TV's. Surreal wasn't the word. It was unimaginable and then when the second tower was hit, along with the Pentagon and United Flight 93 I was sick. I felt completely helpless and pissed off! I cried so many tears that day and the many days after.
I remeber watching interviews with family members of loved ones who died and my heart broke for them. One lady received a call from her husband from UF-93 telling her he and some others had to stop the hi-jackers and that he loved her and to tell the kid's he loved them too (and as I type this I am cying) before saying goodbye one last time to his wife. In her interview, she was crying as she was telling her story and she said after he hung up with her she held phone for hours after the battery died unable to let go. It was unthinkable.
I also found this site a few years later after I started running. His name was Stephen Siller.
Stephen Siller, beloved husband and father of five, was a firefighter from Squad 1, Park Slope Brooklyn. On 9/11, he was off-duty, and on his way to golf with his 3 older brothers.
When Stephen heard on his scanner that the World Trade Center had been hit, he turned his vehicle around and headed towards the site. When his truck was prohibited from entering the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel, typically of him, he raced on foot towards the site with his gear strapped to his back.
He was last seen alive on West and Liberty Streets where he, more than likely, went looking for his Squad, all of whom perished. The Tunnel to Towers Run retraces Stephen's footsteps on that fateful day.
In running along his path, we honor the memory of all the Firefighters, Police, and EMS workers who performed their duty that day. In running this race, we are reclaiming still another part of the city for all our heroes and for all of those who died on 9/11.
They will never be forgotten!
Watch the video!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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