It started off on the tow path, so it was pretty flat and I was getting the updates on the course and their current condition (BB and JP). They seemed in good spirits. After about a mile or so we started climbing. We switched to a walk and began hiking up stairs. I felt fine and stayed in the back just going along for moral support and trying to stay out of the way. We passed JE, AS and EH. JE had pulled a bit ahead of the other two and was on her way back to the Boston Store to refuel and marking completion of her 18th mile. We continued up to the top where we found the the aide station. Pretzels, fig newtons and kleenex were our saviors. We only hung around for about 3 minutes and then headed back. JP said his knees were buggin him and I hung with him. BB had a firecracker under her butt. She really picked it up on the way back. We hung with her and made it back to the Boston Store 3 minutes faster than on the way out. I put my jacket back on and felt a small sense of accomplishment knowing I had gotten in my run, although only 5 miles. I helped BB bandaid her foot and refuel again and snapped a pic of her and JP before sending them out to the hilly Pine Lane.

JA toughed out another 50k solo!! Her pacer was delayed by a super soft pillow and a warm bed.

AS's boyfriend Dr. B was coming by at the 13 mile mark. We tried to convince him that AS was gaining on him, but as you can see he just smiled. He ended up taking 2nd overall!!
After snapping all the above pics and getting everyone on there way it was about 4 hours in and we knew we wouldn't see anyone for at least another hour, so we headed out. We were starving. Watching your buddies run works up your appetite. We hit up Applebees and then when we got home we checked results to see everyone had finished and not only that... they had finsihed well. I can't wait to try the YUT-C 50K now.
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