With 7 days left in the month of February it looks like I am going to hit my goal for running...100 miles!!
Our local tri club is participating in the USAT national club challenge again this year. Each month we have a benchmark of mileage to hit for each discipline. December was swimming and I had not set a solid goal for myself so I had a very poor showing at only 4.64 miles in the pool. I was to say the least disappointed and had vowed to do better.
January was the bike month. I had set a personal goal of 240 miles on the bike. I knew I would need ~60mpw. I stayed on the ball this time though and hit my goal with 284.3 miles. It was the best cycling I had put on my bike since I bought it back in September 2006.
February, the current month is of course running. My original goal was 120 miles, but after the Dirty Dog my foot had seemed a little tender and I did not want to push too hard and end up with an overuse injury, so I settled on 100. It would mean an average of 25 mpw with one day to spare.
Week 1 (Feb 1-3) long run 9.5, Total 12.9 miles
Week 2 (Feb 4-10) long run 14.5, Total 25.90 miles
Week 3 (Feb 11-17) long run 11.0, Total 25.45 miles
Week 4 (Feb 18-Today) long run TBD, Total 13.95
Total To Date: 78.2 miles down and 8 days to get in 21.8 miles to hit my goal.
Overall I feel pretty great. I can feel the back of my legs feeling a little tighter than usual so definately gonna have to hit the stretching harder.
The latest running revolution came last night, not necessarily for me, but for the Walrus. He had not run with me since the Pigskin Classic where I still ran in the 25's and was just starting treatment for my IDA and had minimal running due to a foot injury. I convinced him the best thing to do for his tired body was to go run 5 miles with me at 10:30 at night. We overdressed and headed out. It was a beautiful night, no wind and the snow was just coming down like crazy. There was some ice on the roads so footing was a little treacherous here and there. We fell in stride and ran at a somewhat moderate pace enjoying each other's company. I truly appreciate the times the Walrus takes out from his training to keep me company during mine. He is the physical form of that person in my head always telling me to hold on and push through. We definately negative split the second half and with about .5 mile to go he took off. I stared at his back and tried to hold on to him for as long as I could finishing strong. He informed me my running was far better than it had been and I was ecstatic to hear him say that. We did a little cool down around the circle and headed inside for some stretching and my long awaited dinner... FINALLY. Another good run in the bank.
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